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Higher score. Study efficiently. Fall fun. How can I get all three?

* If you are taking other tests instead of or in addition to the ACT, get some expert resources for the: SAT, CLEP, DSST, PSAT, and GED.

As of 2018, the ACT will have two testing dates over the fall semester. While doing test prep along with your other school work may not be your dream scenario, but we have some pro strategies below to help keep you on track. Don’t worry, we’ll help make it easier.

If you are planning on taking the ACT this year and haven’t started studying yet, it is time to get going. The next test date is October 27th.

The registration deadline is September 28th, but you can do late registration until October 14th for an extra fee. If you’re planning on taking the October 27th test, make sure you are using one of our free downloads below. The weakness targeting strategy is great if you haven’t really started studying yet because it is a lot faster. But, if you’re waiting until the December 8th test (registration deadline November 2nd), I really recommend trying the full review strategy. The full review strategy is going to give you a bigger overall increase to your ACT score, but it does take quite a bit longer to do.

At Peterson’s, we want you give you the best information out there as you prepare to succeed. Here are two pro strategies to get a higher score, study efficiently, and still have fun this summer:

The Full Review

The Weakness Targeting


These two strategies will help you be a test-prep pro, while also making sure you stay on track with your ACT studies.

For more resources, check out Peterson’s ACT page to get great resources that will really help you boost your ACT score fast!


*This article is periodically updated: last updated on 8/27/2018.